Friday, December 31, 2010

Jumping Right In....

My night life is nearly as adventuresome as my daylight hours.   The medications I take cause vivid, often violent and vulgar, dreams in my sleep.  Last night I awakened to my Chihuahua's heavy breathing in my face, not once, but three times.  Who knows what I was doing in my sleep - running a marathon, taking out an intruder, or taking down my teenager for giving me that look one too many times.  What I do know is that Tito didn't appreciate the disruptions to his beauty sleep.  With such pronounced eyes, a night of fitful sleep causes the bags under his eyes to swell to unattractive proportions!

I am procrastinating cleaning my three-year-old's toy room.  Procrastination is a human condition shared by most, but for those of us fortunate enough to have ADHD, procrastination becomes a monumental force to be reckoned with.  I might as well be going in for wisdom teeth removal sans painkiller.  I just cannot seem to get myself to cross the threshold of the doorway.  Hand me a lifeline, I'm going in.

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