Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Love Affair With Diet Coke

My relationship with soda began early on, prior to the introduction of food.  My mother, love her, gave me coke in my bottle when I was two weeks old.  She figured that she experienced so much pleasure from coke, why not share the pleasure with those she loved!

And my current relationship with soda?  I may as well hook up a direct line of Diet Coke into my vein for a constant caffeine supply.  The problem with this scenario is that I would not experience the oral pleasure I now get from drinking coke throughout the day, nor would I benefit from the constant companionship a can of Diet Coke provides me. 

The problem?  Too much caffeine daily, from what I have read, is really bad for your body.  Caffeine stimulates the adrenal gland to produce the "fight or flight" chemicals which stress your system.  Do this for 20 years and you have one frazzled, addicted, worn down body. 

Additionally, the jury is still out on the long term effects of the gallons of artificial sweetener I pour into my system.  I am waiting for another limb to appear suddenly, or for a third eyeball to pop out of my nose.   With the concern about potential long-term health issues, you wold think that I would stop drinking the offending liquid.  Have you ever heard of the term addiction? 

I'll keep praying for relief....

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